Based on 15K+ real job ads
Identifying trends in Data Analyst Job Ads
Are there common characteristics in jobs that offer higher salaries?
Python to scrape, analyze and plot
spacy: text extraction
pandas: storing, processing, feature engineering
plotly: plots (duh)
pycaret: ML model building and evaluation
Quarto - using R - to present
Skills are good for you (but not just any skills)
If training to be a Data Analyst, make sure you are proficient in at least:
Tableau or Power BI
Python (or R for some specific fields or skills)
One cloud platform, especially AWS
Be on lookout for positions with the following cliches on the job description. Those are probably workplaces that will challenge your mental health and you won’t even earn enough for it to be worth it:
“ability to work under pressure”
“fast-paced environment”
European companies, please start disclosing salaries for your positions, thank you in advance!
@rafabelokurows - Github repository - Medium article