Portugal Tourism and Economy Report

This is a fully automated report of Portuguese Tourism and Economic indicators, developed to streamline and democratize access to these important pieces of data on the Portuguese economy.

The main focus of this particular report is:

  • Tourism indicators:
    • Nights stayed
    • Guests
    • € spent
  • Economic indicators:
    • Consumer inflation
    • Sentiment on the direction the country it’s taking
    • Retail Volume Index
    • Unemployment rate

Data comes from two main sources:

  • INE (Portuguese Statistics Institute)
  • Banco de Portugal

In addition, individual references are always provided.

Last update

This report was generated on 2024-04-22 16:53

If you’re interested in the summarized results, jump to: Section 3

These are the KPIs we’re keeping track of:

indicator unit source
Dormidas (N.º) nos estabelecimentos de alojamento turístico Number of Stays INE
Hóspedes (N.º) nos estabelecimentos de alojamento turístico Number of guests (persons) INE
Gastos de turistas estrangeiros € spent Banco de Portugal
Indicador de confiança dos consumidores-Mensal-sre (vcs) Balance of extreme responses Banco de Portugal
Indicador de sentimento económico (1990-(A-1)=100)-Mensal (vcs) Current value vs. base value (1990) Banco de Portugal
Taxa de desemprego 16 a 74 anos-Estimativas mensais (vcs) Percentage Banco de Portugal
IPC (2012=100)-bens alimentares Current value vs. base value (2012) Banco de Portugal
IHPC (2015=100)-Bens alimentares-M Current value vs. base value (2015) Banco de Portugal
Índice negócios Retalho - Alimentares estab especializados-M (vcsc) Current value vs. base value (2015) Banco de Portugal

- Data availability may vary since there are different sources. INE’s tourism data may be released at a different time than Banco de Portugal’s, for instance.


Here we obtain the latest live data from INE, the Portuguese Bureau of Statistics and Banco de Portugal, Portugal’s Federal Bank.

Filters used:
- Geopraphic location: tourists for Mainland Portugal
- Type of tourist establishment: All

Nights stayed (Dormidas)

0009808 - Nights (No.) in tourist accommodation establishments by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2013) and Type (tourist accommodation establishment); Monthly

Source: INE

month_year dormidas_AA dormidas_MA dormidas dif_AA dif_AA_pct dif_MA dif_MA_pct
Setembro de 2023 1245424 1731186 1417746 +172322.00 +13.84% -313440.00 -18.11%
Outubro de 2023 1127059 1417746 1259783 +132724.00 +11.78% -157963.00 -11.14%
Novembro de 2023 739381 1259783 807840 +68459.00 +9.26% -451943.00 -35.87%
Dezembro de 2023 739346 807840 820956 +81610.00 +11.04% +13116.00 +1.62%
Janeiro de 2024 606353 820956 631211 +24858.00 +4.10% -189745.00 -23.11%
Fevereiro de 2024 693443 631211 752726 +59283.00 +8.55% +121515.00 +19.25%

The latest month (Fevereiro de 2024) had 752726 stays.
- That’s +59283.00 (or +8.55%) compared to the same month last year: 693443
- and +121515.00 (or +19.25%) compared to the last calendar month: 631211

Guests (Hóspedes)

0009812 - Guests (No.) in tourist accommodation establishments by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2013) and Type (tourist accommodation establishment); Monthly

Source: INE

month_year hospedes_AA hospedes_MA hospedes dif_AA dif_AA_pct dif_MA dif_MA_pct
Setembro de 2023 651951 833480 741616 +89665.00 +13.75% -91864.00 -11.02%
Outubro de 2023 601520 741616 665907 +64387.00 +10.70% -75709.00 -10.21%
Novembro de 2023 402232 665907 441169 +38937.00 +9.68% -224738.00 -33.75%
Dezembro de 2023 411875 441169 461186 +49311.00 +11.97% +20017.00 +4.54%
Janeiro de 2024 339360 461186 359413 +20053.00 +5.91% -101773.00 -22.07%
Fevereiro de 2024 380588 359413 417235 +36647.00 +9.63% +57822.00 +16.09%

The latest month (Fevereiro de 2024) had 417235 guests.
- That’s +36647.00 (or +9.63%) compared to the same month last year: 380588
- and +57822.00 (or +16.09%) compared to the last calendar month: 359413

Tourism Spending (Gasto de turistas estrangeiros)

Exportações (crédito) da balança de serviços: viagens e turismo - valores mensais em milhões de euros

Source: Banco de Portugal

date gastos_turistas month year valor_AA valor_MA dif_AA dif_AA_pct dif_MA dif_MA_pct
2023-09-30 00:00:00 2789.01 September 2023 2389.69 3923.81 +399.32 +16.71% -1134.80 -28.92%
2023-10-31 00:00:00 2156.79 October 2023 1865.96 2789.01 +290.83 +15.59% -632.22 -22.67%
2023-11-30 00:00:00 1368.45 November 2023 1228.85 2156.79 +139.60 +11.36% -788.34 -36.55%
2023-12-31 00:00:00 1425.73 December 2023 1259.81 1368.45 +165.92 +13.17% +57.28 +4.19%
2024-01-31 00:00:00 1411.51 January 2024 1269.03 1425.73 +142.48 +11.23% -14.22 -1.00%
2024-02-29 00:00:00 1421.86 February 2024 1240.42 1411.51 +181.44 +14.63% +10.35 +0.73%

Tourists spent €1421.86 millions in the latest month (February 2024).
- That’s €+181.44 millions (or +14.63%) compared to the same month last year: €1240.42 millions
- and €+10.35 millions (or +0.73%) compared to the last calendar month: €1411.51 millions

Economic Indicators

Consumer Confidence Index - Confiança do Consumidor

Confidence indicators belong to the set of short-term indicators that allow monitoring the evolution of the economic situation and anticipating the evolution of the main macroeconomic aggregates for Portugal.

Indicador de confiança dos consumidores-Mensal-sre (vcs)

Source: Banco de Portugal

date confianca_consumidor month year valor_AA valor_MA dif_AA dif_AA_pct dif_MA dif_MA_pct
2023-10-31 00:00:00 -27.50 October 2023 -37.60 -26.40 +10.10 +26.86% -1.10 -4.17%
2023-11-30 00:00:00 -30.50 November 2023 -37.70 -27.50 +7.20 +19.10% -3.00 -10.91%
2023-12-31 00:00:00 -26.10 December 2023 -36.60 -30.50 +10.50 +28.69% +4.40 +14.43%
2024-01-31 00:00:00 -23.90 January 2024 -35.10 -26.10 +11.20 +31.91% +2.20 +8.43%
2024-02-29 00:00:00 -23.20 February 2024 -32.50 -23.90 +9.30 +28.62% +0.70 +2.93%
2024-03-31 00:00:00 -20.60 March 2024 -31.90 -23.20 +11.30 +35.42% +2.60 +11.21%

The Consumer Confidence Index was -20.6 in the latest month (March 2024).
- That’s +11.30 (or +35.42%) compared to the same month last year: -31.9
- and +2.60 (or +11.21%) compared to the last calendar month: -23.2

Economic Sentiment Indicator (Sentimento Economico)

The Economic Sentiment Indicator (ESI) is a composite indicator produced by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN). Its objective is to monitor GDP growth at the level of Member States, the EU and the euro area.

Source: Banco de Portugal and European Comission

date sentimento_economico month year valor_AA valor_MA dif_AA dif_AA_pct dif_MA dif_MA_pct
2023-10-31 00:00:00 94.60 October 2023 98.50 95.70 -3.90 -3.96% -1.10 -1.15%
2023-11-30 00:00:00 96 November 2023 97.60 94.60 -1.60 -1.64% +1.40 +1.48%
2023-12-31 00:00:00 96.40 December 2023 97.00 96.00 -0.60 -0.62% +0.40 +0.42%
2024-01-31 00:00:00 97.60 January 2024 98.30 96.40 -0.70 -0.71% +1.20 +1.24%
2024-02-29 00:00:00 100.10 February 2024 102.80 97.60 -2.70 -2.63% +2.50 +2.56%
2024-03-31 00:00:00 100.80 March 2024 101.90 100.10 -1.10 -1.08% +0.70 +0.70%

The Economic Sentiment Index was 100.8 in the latest month (March 2024).
- That’s -1.10 (or -1.08%) compared to the same month last year: 101.9
- and +0.70 (or +0.70%) compared to the last calendar month: 100.1

Unemployment (Desemprego 16 a 74 anos)

Taxa de desemprego 16 a 74 anos-Estimativas mensais (vcs) Monthly Unemployment Rate (%)

Source: Banco de Portugal

date desemprego month year valor_AA valor_MA dif_AA dif_AA_pct dif_MA dif_MA_pct
2023-09-30 00:00:00 6.60 September 2023 6.20 6.30 +0.40 +6.45% +0.30 +4.76%
2023-10-31 00:00:00 6.60 October 2023 6.10 6.60 +0.50 +8.20% 0.00 0.00%
2023-11-30 00:00:00 6.60 November 2023 6.50 6.60 +0.10 +1.54% 0.00 0.00%
2023-12-31 00:00:00 6.50 December 2023 6.70 6.60 -0.20 -2.99% -0.10 -1.52%
2024-01-31 00:00:00 6.60 January 2024 7.00 6.50 -0.40 -5.71% +0.10 +1.54%
2024-02-29 00:00:00 6.70 February 2024 6.90 6.60 -0.20 -2.90% +0.10 +1.52%

The Unemployment rate was 6.7% in the latest month (February 2024).
- That’s -0.20p.p compared to the same month last year: 6.9%
- and +0.10p.p compared to the last calendar month: 6.6%

Inflation on Food (IPC sobre bens alimentares)

IPC (2012=100)-produtos alimentares e bebidas não alcoólicas

Source: Banco de Portugal

date ipc_alimentos month year valor_AA valor_MA dif_AA dif_AA_pct dif_MA dif_MA_pct
2023-10-31 00:00:00 133.69 October 2023 128.24 133.60 +5.45 +4.25% +0.09 +0.07%
2023-11-30 00:00:00 134.30 November 2023 130.44 133.69 +3.86 +2.96% +0.62 +0.46%
2023-12-31 00:00:00 133.57 December 2023 131.08 134.30 +2.49 +1.90% -0.73 -0.55%
2024-01-31 00:00:00 137 January 2024 133.55 133.57 +3.45 +2.59% +3.43 +2.57%
2024-02-29 00:00:00 136.21 February 2024 134.84 137.00 +1.38 +1.02% -0.79 -0.58%
2024-03-31 00:00:00 137.02 March 2024 136.55 136.21 +0.48 +0.35% +0.81 +0.60%

The Inflation on Food was 137.023 in the latest month (March 2024).
- That’s +0.35% compared to the same month last year: 136.547
- and +0.60% compared to the last calendar month: 136.211

Harmonized Inflation on Food (Inflação Harmonizada - IHPC sobre bens alimentares)

IHPC (2015=100)-Bens alimentares-M

Source: Banco de Portugal

date ihpc_alimentos month year valor_AA valor_MA dif_AA dif_AA_pct dif_MA dif_MA_pct
2023-10-31 00:00:00 129.61 October 2023 124.36 129.52 +5.25 +4.22% +0.09 +0.07%
2023-11-30 00:00:00 130.20 November 2023 126.50 129.61 +3.70 +2.92% +0.59 +0.46%
2023-12-31 00:00:00 129.50 December 2023 127.11 130.20 +2.39 +1.88% -0.70 -0.54%
2024-01-31 00:00:00 132.81 January 2024 129.51 129.50 +3.30 +2.55% +3.31 +2.56%
2024-02-29 00:00:00 132.06 February 2024 130.78 132.81 +1.28 +0.98% -0.75 -0.56%
2024-03-31 00:00:00 132.84 March 2024 132.41 132.06 +0.43 +0.32% +0.78 +0.59%

The Harmonized Index of Inflation on Food was 132.84 in the latest month (March 2024).
- That’s +0.32% compared to the same month last year: 132.41
- and +0.59% compared to the last calendar month: 132.06

Food Retail Index (Índice Retalho alimentos)

Índice Volume negócios a retalho - Alimentares estab especializados-M (vcsc) Food, beverage and tobacco products, in specialized establishments

Source: Banco de Portugal

date volume_retalho_alimentar month year valor_AA valor_MA dif_AA dif_AA_pct dif_MA dif_MA_pct
2023-09-30 00:00:00 102.30 September 2023 104.10 102.30 -1.80 -1.73% 0.00 0.00%
2023-10-31 00:00:00 100.10 October 2023 104.20 102.30 -4.10 -3.93% -2.20 -2.15%
2023-11-30 00:00:00 99.80 November 2023 103.20 100.10 -3.40 -3.29% -0.30 -0.30%
2023-12-31 00:00:00 97.20 December 2023 101.20 99.80 -4.00 -3.95% -2.60 -2.61%
2024-01-31 00:00:00 95.70 January 2024 101.60 97.20 -5.90 -5.81% -1.50 -1.54%
2024-02-29 00:00:00 95.50 February 2024 101.60 95.70 -6.10 -6.00% -0.20 -0.21%

The Retail Index was 95.5 in the latest month (February 2024).
- That’s -6.10 (or -6.00%) compared to the same month last year: 101.6
- and -0.20 (or -0.21%) compared to the last calendar month: 95.7

Summary - Results

The most important results this month were:

The Consumer Confidence Index went up 35.42% compared to the same month last year 📈

Tourism Spending went up 14.63% compared to the same month last year 📈

The number of Guests in Tourism Establishments went up 9.63% compared to the same month last year 📈

The number of Stays in Tourism Establishments went up 8.55% compared to the same month last year 📈

The Retail Index went down -6.00% compared to the same month last year 📉

That’s the end of this month’s report. Thanks for following, see you next month!