Time Series Explorer Web App

Streamlit app that allows the user to load their own time series CSV file and that gives a quick overview of time series features, perform statistical checks and produce short-term forecasts.
Live Web App

Powered by: Python, Streamlit, Prophet, time series libraries

Porto Street Names Gender Gap

Most cities have a long-standing gender bias towards men when naming streets, squares, gardens, and other public places. While there is a somewhat recent trend to include more women when defining city names, most street names are well-established and hard to change. With this in mind, I analyzed how bad is the gender bias where I live: Porto, Portugal.
Github Repo

Powered by: R, leaflet, openstreetmaps data

Flight Explorer

Automated data pipeline that collects daily prices on plane tickets and send e-mail alerts whenever price drops below certain threshold in routes of interest.
Live Web app

Made using: Python, API requests, Github Actions, Google Big Query

Portugal automated KPI Report

Fully automated Quarto report of Portuguese Economy and Tourism indicators. Programed on Git Hub Actions and hosted on GitHub Pages, it automatically retrieves data from Portugues official statistics sources and compare latest data with historical results to give the user a quick overview of the situation of the economy and tourism in Portugal.
Powered by: Python, Quarto, Github Actions, GitHub Pages

Live Website
Github Repo